and we’re off

It is official…we have a walker! well, he isn’t walking like a pro, but yesterday on his 14 month birthday, he took steps alone. multiple times! i have a feeling maybe he did it for my parents over the weekend, but my mom would never tell me…and i appreciate that! when i picked him up bright and early yesterday morning (i was dying to see him and couldn’t sleep one more wink on an air mattress so got up at 6:45am after a late night!), he staggered around and then let go of the death grip on my hand and took five steps before deciding he wanted to crawl. after all, crawling is faster! so, we practiced all afternoon — we walked outside in the yard, inside, at the pool, in the baby pool, etc. and, the awesome news…he slept “like a baby” last night. i hate that saying because my baby never slept…but last night was great and he slept until 6:45 this morning! that’s a full hour later than normal! i will take it!

after not being away from Eli for quite a while, the weekend was a nice break with friends, laughs, drinks and dance parties. but come sunday morning, all i could think about was my little man! celebrating his 14th month with walking was pretty awesome.








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